How to fix Core Web Vitals issues?

How to fix Core Web Vitals issues?


How to fix Core Web Vitals issues? Core Web Vitals refer to a group of metrics outlined by Google to evaluate a web page’s user experience. These metrics primarily focus on loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. Resolving Core Web Vitals issues typically requires addressing different elements of your website’s design and functionality. Here is a step-by-step guide to fixing Core Web Vitals issues:

Identify the Issues, How to fix Core Web Vitals issues?


  1. Google Search Console. Navigate to the “Core Web Vitals” report to identify URLs that need improvement.
  2. Lighthouse. Use this tool in Chrome DevTools to get detailed reports on individual pages.
  3. PageSpeed Insights. Suggest improvements based on real-world and lab data.

How to fix Core Web Vitals issues? Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).

Goal. LCP should occur within 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading.


  1. Optimize Images. Use modern image formats (e.g., WebP), compress images, and serve them with appropriate dimensions.
  2. Improve Server Response Time. Optimize the server, use a CDN, and consider caching strategies.
  3. Optimize CSS. Minify CSS, remove unused CSS and use critical CSS to load above-the-fold content faster.
  4. Preload Key Resources. Preload important resources (e.g., fonts, images).

First Input Delay (FID).

Goal. FID should be less than 100 milliseconds.


  1. Minimize JavaScript. Reduce the impact of third-party code, break up long tasks, and defer or lazy-load non-critical scripts.
  2. Optimize Interaction Handlers. Avoid long-running JavaScript execution, and use web workers to run expensive tasks off the main thread.
  3. Optimize Web Fonts.  Make sure to use “font-display: swap” to ensure that text stays visible while web fonts are loading.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Goal. CLS score should be less than 0.1.


  1. Set Size Attributes for Media. Always include width and height attributes on images and videos to reserve space.
  2. Reserve Space for Ads. Ensure ad elements have reserved space to prevent layout shifts when ads load.
  3. Use Transform Animations. Prefer transform and opacity animations over animations that trigger layout changes.

General Recommendations.

How to fix Core Web Vitals issues? Implement Lazy Loading.

  • Use lazy loading for offscreen images and iframes to improve initial load time.

Reduce Third-Party Scripts.

  • Limit the use of third-party scripts as they can significantly impact performance.

Utilize Browser Caching.

  • Set appropriate caching policies to store static resources on users’ devices.

Optimize Critical Rendering Path.

  • Ensure the critical rendering path is optimized by minimizing essential resources, reducing their size, and prioritizing the delivery of the most important ones.

How to fix Core Web Vitals issues? Monitor and Iterate.

  1. Continuously monitor performance using Google Search Console and other tools.
  2. Regularly test your pages with tools like Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights.
  3. Implement improvements and monitor the impact on Core Web Vitals.


  1. Web Vitals (web. dev).
  2. Core Web Vitals & Page Experience FAQs (Google Search Central).
  3. Lighthouse (Chrome DevTools).

Addressing these aspects systematically can significantly enhance your website’s Core Web Vitals, improving user experience and potentially higher search engine rankings.

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