Importance of Prioritizing Wellness

Importance of Prioritizing Wellness

Importance of Prioritizing Wellness, Remembering to prioritize wellness is essential for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. Wellness includes physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Neglecting any of these aspects can lead to a decline in overall health. Here are several reasons why prioritizing wellness is important: 1. Physical Health, Importance of Prioritizing Wellness. Prevention […]

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What Is Blogging?

What Is Blogging? Definition, Types, A Simple Guide to Starting Your Own.

What Is Blogging? Many people are interested in expanding their online presence, and one of the most popular strategies for doing so is launching a blog. However, not everyone knows a blog or how to start one. When blogs first emerged around 1994, they were mainly used for sharing personal experiences and interests. Now, blogs […]

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Promote your Business using Technology

How will you Promote your Business using Technology?

Promote your business using technology, involves leveraging various digital tools and platforms to reach and engage with a broader audience. Make it a key part of your growth strategy. It can be one of your most powerful tactics in the long term, especially now that more people have access to digital content than ever before. […]

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Healthy Fruits for Weight Loss

Healthy Fruits for Weight Loss are Necessary?

Healthy fruits in your diet can help you with Weight Loss. Fruits are generally low in calories and high in fibre, which keeps you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overeating. It also provides important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support overall health. When it comes to healthy eating, the most important thing […]

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American College of Lifestyle

American College of Lifestyle Medicine

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) is a professional Medical society dedicated to lifestyle. Interventions to prevent, treat, and reverse chronic disease. In addition, ACLM promotes evidence-based lifestyle approaches. That includes whole foods, a plant-based diet, regular physical activity: restful sleep stress management, avoidance of hazardous substances, and positive social relationships. Here are some […]

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What is the Meaning of Technology

What is the Meaning of Technology Management?

What is the meaning of technology? Management of technology (MOT), can be interpreted in various ways due to the diverse interpretations of the word “technology” itself. This editorial aims to present the multifaceted nature of technology management. The terms “management” and “technology” not only encompass various meanings but also add complexity due to anthropological diversity. […]

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What is an International Lifestyle?

What is an International Lifestyle?

What is an International Lifestyle? “An international lifestyle” refers to a way of living greatly influenced by and often incorporates elements from different cultures and countries. This type of lifestyle is usually characterized by frequent travel, a global perspective, and a diverse set of experiences and influences. Technology has revolutionized the way we work, and […]

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What is Technology?

What is Technology? & Types of Technology

What Is Technology? When you hear the word “Technology”, you might think of devices like laptops, phones, and tablets, or concepts like the internet, data, and engineering advancements. However, this view of technology is limited, as it encompasses many innovative solutions to the Various everyday problems that humans have faced throughout history. Technology is a […]

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